LOGIQUE explained.

INTRODUCTION: Performance fabrics were originally developed for space suits. More recently micro fibres were engineered to help aid performance of the military forces and athletes. Developments in contemporary society is advancing at a faster rate than ever, people are constantly searching for new methods of improvement in every aspect of their lives. This has lead to the popularity of performance fabrics in the design market to increase comfort in everyday living.
THEORY: My belief is that it is no longer valid to speak of "high end" or "low end" fashion. Contemporary fashion, like contemporary culture is all about the mix.
MISSION: To combine performance wear, technology and glamour!



Rusty - This is the brand's latest...
They are not the first, and won't be the last to work with this intergration.
Its hassle free, comfortable. The ease that you need with a boarding lifestyle.
The draw cord of a hoodie to act as headphone cable system with ear-buds at the ends of the cord.

The cable is routed inside the hoodie to a media pocket with an 3.5mm audio plug to connect to almost anything the portable music player world has to offer, the iPod and iPhone, cellphones and MP3 player of all flavors.

The headphone draw-cords are completely machine washable, no need to take out the wire when you throw it in the wash.

WEARABLE TECHNOLGY - Accessable to all

Very Wearable Technology by Cute Circuits.
This is part of their latest venture.
By the day the colorful crystals sparkle in the sunlight and at night an array of tiny white or full color LEDs twinkle and glow following the movement of the wearer’s body.To ignite the sparkle you need to move, as more as you move as brighter you will sparkle and twinkle.


I was drawn to the Magic of Cute Circuits back in 2006,
when stumbling upon this creation, The Hug Shirt.
It allows you to send and feel hugs to and from other Hug Shirt owning friends!
The Hug Shirt is filled with wearable sensors and actuators, with a Bluetooth and Java enabled mobile phone- running on the ‘Hug Me’ Java software application. The sensors feel the strength of the touch, the warmth of the skin and the heart-rate. Nominated one of the best inventions by Time Magazine in 2006, the Hug Shirt lets you give love even when you’re far away.

More recently you'd associate Cute Circuits work, with The Katy Perry Dress.

Katy Perry walked down the red carpet all aglow at the Costume Institute Gala Benefit at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, giving well deserved global recognition to the Designers, Francesca Rosella and Ryan Genz .
The gown was constructed using metres of silk chiffon and 3000 + LED's.
Wearable Technology at it's most glamorous!!!



Rider: Rollo Brooke
Location: Cervinia, April 2010

The first Men's jacket was put to the test,
The result was 100% approval!!
waterproof, windproof, easy to manouvre.
Happy days!



Snowboard Binding for use off-piste by Balenciaga!


Archieve photograph found from Fashion Fusion Awards 2007
LOGIQUE made it to the final 6! Big Smiles!

Subject: Illuminate
L.E.D. Lights intergrated into the hood of the evening dress, to enhance safety hence comfort when dark.



The LOGIQUE theory is slowly becoming a FACT of life.
Please see the link.

This is associated with Top brand PUMA,
a possible change in direction in certain aspects of their designs
to meetthe requests of people's lifestyle!